유채의 경관효과를 높이기 위해 국내 육성 및 국외 도입 유채 8품종을 봄철에 파종시기를 달리하여 파종하고 품종, 파종시기 및 재배지역에 따른 생육 및 개화특성을 구명하여 봄 파종에 적 합한 유채품종 및 파종시기를 구명한 결과, 파종시기가 늦어짐 에 따라 유묘 출현소요일수는 짧아졌고, 초장 및 착화수는 감소 하였으며 분지수는 증가하였다. 무안과 제주 포장 모두에서 파 종일이 늦어짐에 따라 개화시는 지연되었고 개화지속일은 감소 하였다. 개화소요일수는 파종이 늦어짐에 따라 단축되었는데, 3월 1일 파종 시 73~94일이 소요되었으며, 3월 31일 파종 시 57~71일로 짧아졌다. 조생종인 ‘탐미유채’와 ‘목포 111호’가 만 생종인 ‘탐라유채’와 ‘내한유채’보다 모든 파종시기에서 10일 정 도 빠르게 개화하였다. 개화지속기간도 파종시기가 늦어짐에 따라 5~14일 정도 단축되었다. 경관용 유채 봄 파종 시 파종시 기가 빠를수록 개화특성이 향상되었고, 국내육성 품종으로는 조기개화종인 ‘탐미유채’와 독일도입종인 ‘봄유채’가 봄 파종에 적합한 품종으로 나타났다.
The objective of this study was to determine the response of rapeseed (Brassica napus) to different planting date in the spring and varieties on growth and flowering characteristics. Eight rapeseed varieties were sowed at 10 day interval from 1st to 31th of March at Muan and Jeju in Korea. Significant planting dates and rapeseed varieties effects for growth, start of flowering and duration. As the planting date was being delayed, plant length and flower number were decreased, but branch number was increased. And, start of flowering date was retarded and flowering duration decreased with later planting date. Days from planting to flowering was shortened as seeding date was delayed and shortening degree was similar between experimental locations, Muan and Jeju. The days to flowering for rapeseed about 73~94 days for 1st March and then decreased to 57~71 days for the 31th March of planting date. ‘Tammiyuchae’ and ‘Mokpo 111’ seeded on each planting date come into blossom more earlier about 10 days as compared to ‘Tamlayuchae’ and ‘Naehanyuchae’. The duration of flowering for the B. napus varieties was shortened as planting date was delayed. The results revealed that flowering characteristics of rapeseed can be greatly enhanced by planting as early as possible, and early flowering varieties i.e. ‘Tammiyuchae’ and ‘Spring’ were the most suitable varieties among the tested varieties for planting in the spring.