The health care markets are rapidly expanded due to population aging, increasing incomes, strengthening assurance of health insurance and so on, and the competition in the markets is getting serious. In the industry, hospitals have played more important role than any others, where doctors, nurses, medical technicians, administrative staff, etc cooperatively works hard. Among them, nurses capture 40 percents of specialized hospital workers and their role for patients as customers is essential. Therefore, it could be one of the most important keys to increase the productivity and wellbeing of nurses with respect to enhancing efficiency and competitiveness of operating hospitals. In this paper the impact of nurses' job satisfaction, job stress, burnout, and organizational citizenship behavior on their productivity is studied. The subjects were 576 nurses in 20 different hospitals in Seoul, Kyounggi, etc. We held hypotheses and statistically tested and analysed them, using SPSS 20.0 software. Thus, we found various significant results(p<0.05), and they will give useful suggestions for managing nurse manpower and enhancing their productivity.