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The Relation between Body Composition of the Aged and the Change of Physical Fitness Level through Complex Exercise Training for 12 weeks KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/311952
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
국제물리치료연구학회 (International Academy of Physical Therapy Research)

The purpose of this study is to investigate and reveal the effects that the complex exercise training consisting of aerobic exercise and strength training(sit up, push up) that everyone can easily practice regardless of a time and a place in order to manage practically the physical strength of the aged affects the difference on their body composition and the change of physical fitness level. Looking into the change of body composition of an experimental group, the weight of 2.5kg was reduced after applying complex training for 12 weeks and the body fat mass of 2.65kg was reduced. Also, the abdominal fat of 0.13% was decreased and the muscle mass of 1.56kg was increased. For the change factors of physical fitness, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, balance and flexibility excluding agility showed significant improvement after applying complex exercise training. The improvement of health fitness of the aged under this study was significantly effective to improve specified body functions which had been lowered by aging and insufficient physical activities. So, it is regarded that their health fitness is the important factor to improve the activity competence required for daily life and to lead healthy living by the improved activity competence. Henceforth, it needs to study more the complex composition of several sports, exercise intensity and the frequency based on the previous researches and studies. In addition, it needs to develop the complex exercise training in accordance with various characteristics such as a sex of the aged, an age, a physical fitness level, environment, a disease and the program in consideration of the efficacy and safety during training.

  • Suk Bum Zoo(Daegu Science University)
  • Yoo Rim Choi(Daegu Science University)
  • Ki Cheol Sim(Dongshin University)
  • Mi Jung Kim(Yongin University)
  • Wan Suk Choi(International University of Korea)
  • Ja Pung Koo(Pohang College)
  • Suk Hee Lee(Changwon Moonsung University)
  • Sang Bin Lee(Namseoul University)