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Comparison of Activity of the Muscles around the Shoulders during Push Up and Push Up Plus Exercises under Diverse Stabilization Conditions KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/311988
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국제물리치료연구학회 (International Academy of Physical Therapy Research)

This study aimed to examine the most effective exercise method for shoulder joint rehabilitation by comparatively observing activity of shoulder stabilizer muscles during push up and push up plus exercises under diverse stable conditions. The subjects were 20 healthy adults students who went to M university. While the subjects conducted push up and push up plus exercises under diverse stable conditions(a stable surface, a support of 25cm height, a support of 30 cm height and a balance pad), activities of the upper trapezius muscle, pectoralis major muscle, serratus anterior muscle, and triceps brachii muscle were recorded. During push up and push up plus exercises, activities of the stabilizer muscles were higher when the stable condition was changed rather than on the stable surface. In particular, when the support of 30cm height and balance pads were applied, activity of the shoulder stabilizer was highest. There were significant differences in the upper trapezius muscle and triceps brachii muscle during the push up exercise(p<.05) and in the serratus anterior muscle during the push up plus exercise(p<.05). Activities of the shoulder stabilizers were higher when the upper and lower limbs' surface stable conditions were changed than the stable surface. Therefore, when programs for rehabilitation of shoulder joints are applied, provision of diverse stable conditions according to patients' conditions will be effective methods.

  • Han Ki Lee(Masan University)
  • Jun Cheol Lee(Samil Jungpool Hospita)
  • Seong Min Yoon(Samil Jungpool Hospita)