안경원의 경쟁이 섬화되는 상황에서 안경원의 고객들을 만족시켜 재구매률 유도하 는 방어적인 마케탱전략이 요구되어왔다. 안경원에서 2회 이상 안경을 구매한 경험올 지닌 안경원의 고객 187명을 대상으로 방문 안경원의 고객만족, 재구매의도 그리고 전환장벽 둥에 대하여 설문지 조사법을 실시하였다. 고객만족을 인적서버스만족과 시 설서비스만족으로 구분하였고 고객을 전환장벽의 높고 낮음에 따라 고객을 분류하여 집단 간에 인적서버스만족과 시설서버스만족이 재구매의도에 마치는 영향이 차이가 있는지를 검정하였다.
Customer satisfaction has mainly studied as predictor of repurchase intention or customer loyalty, but this concept has not sufficiently explained the repurchase intention or customer loyalty. Many researchers have tried to reveal other inf1uence between two concepts, and newly introduced related concept as Customer Satisfaction, as Service Quality and Customer Value. These are all attitude-based concept but not explained intention or behaviors, all the concepts have complicated the relation with performance of the business. Under the more competitive market environment, optician’s stores have to refocus their efforts on keeping existing customers using defensive marketing strategies. Defensive marketing strategies emphasize customer satisfaction and switching barrier as means of increasing customer retention. There is few attention to the relationship between satisfaction and switching barrier in the marketing research. This dissertation addresses these key issues by hypothesizing that switching barrier aemediators of satisfaction and repurchase intention. The switching barrier is thought to be relevant to the satisfaction and repurchase intention. The prlφosed model tested in optician’s store using SPSS. In the samples that has high switching barrier and low switching barrier, there is differed from inf1uences that personal service satisfaction and facility service satisfaction provide repurchase intention. The low switching barrier samples is higher inf1uences that facility service satisfaction affect repurchase intention than high switching barrier samples. This dissertation provides one of the attempts to empirically investigate mediators of customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, and switching barriers has conceptualized mediating variables of these relationship. And this study provides as the frrst attempts of switching barriers in the spectacles industry, and 1∞k forward to more consideration with the relationship among customers satisfaction, repurchase intention, customer loyalty and switching barrier as the mediator of these factors.