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초등학생의 폭주근점의 측정 KCI 등재

Measurement of Near Point of Convergence of Elementary Schoolchildren

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/313369
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
대한시과학회지 (The Korean Journal of Vision Science)
대한시과학회 (The Korean Society Of Vision Science)

Purpose : Near point of convergence(NPC) was used in making the diagnosis of convergence insufficiency(Cl) by 93.8% of the optometrists surveyed. however, there are no published age-related normative values in the literature to substantiate these values. so we measw·e the NPC break values and the recovery values of high school students. Methods : The subiects were 186 elementary schoolchildren in lo garde. middle grade and high grade. We measured NPC by different methods(AT and PLRG), and the distance and near phoria. Results : The NPC break values and the recovery values of AT target were 3.38±2.24 cm, 8.58±3.11 cm for lo garde. 3.00±1.59 cm, 8.48±2.68 cm for middle grade and 3.44±1.55 cm, 8.22±2.14 cm for high grade. The NPC break values and the recovery values of PLRG target were 5.30±3.18 cm, 11.03±4.43 cm for lo garde. 4.3R±2.f)0 cm, 10.08±3.85 cm for middle grade and 5.39±3.37 cm. 10.87±4.07 cm for high grade. Conclusion : The NPC break values and the recovery vaJues of AT target were 3.31±1.82 cm, 8.40±2.62 cm, PLRG target were 5.12±3.13 cm, 10.73±4.14 cm. I suggest a clinical cutoff value of 8 cm for NPC break and 12 cm for the MPC recovery.

  • 소종필(김해대학 안경광학과)