목 적: 부등시안을 대상으로 안경 교정시 발생할 수 있는 부등상시도를 측정하고, 부등상시가 양안시기 능에 미치는 영향을 입체시 검사를 통해 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 안질환이 없고 원거리 완전교정시력이 0.8 이상, 입체시력이 완성되는 만 6세 이상의 부등시안 57명(남자 20명, 여자 37명)을 대상으로 자각적 및 타각적 굴절검사를 하여 양안의 굴절부등이 1디옵터 이 상인 대상자를 선별하고 교대가림 검사를 통해 안위이상이 있는 대상자는 제외하였다. IOL Master로 안구 길이를 측정하고 Aniseikonia Inspector로 부등상시도를 확인하였으며, 입체시 검사는 Titmus fly test로 하였다. 검사결과를 통해 부등시량과부등상시도 및 입체시력을 비교하여 각 요소들의 상관성을 분석하였다. 결 과: 부등시량이 커질수록 부등상시도는 증가하였고(r=0.505, p<0.001), 부등시량이 커질수록 입체시 력이 저하되었으며(r=0.418, p=0.001) 유의한 상관관계가 있었다. 또한 부등상시도가 증가할수록 입체시력 이 유의하게 저하되어(r=0.290, p=0.029) 양안시기능에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 평소 안경을 착용 하는 그룹(72.73±42.22초각)에 비해 안경을 착용하지 않는 그룹(113.75±98.77초각)에서 입체시력의 저하 가 더욱 크게 나타났다(p=0.035). 결 론: 부등시는 부등상시의중요한 요인으로 작용하고, 부등상시는 입체시력과 유의한 상관관계가 있으 며 부등시량 및 부등상시도가 커질수록 입체시력의 저하가 발생하여 양안시기능에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나 타났다. 또한 부등시의 교정이 약시나 사시의 치료목적뿐만 아니라 정상적인 양안시기능에 있다고 할 때 약 시나 사시가 없는 부등시안도 굴절부등의 교정이 고려되어야 할 것이다.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the readability of a Hangul font with background colors of printed materials in the presbyopic age. Methods: Fifty-seven subjects (average age, 65.75±10.85 years; 23 men and 34 women) were enrolled. The Hangul font and background colors printed for evaluating readability were black letters with Sinmyungjo of 10 point (pt) and white, blue, green, and yellow. Near visual acuity (VA) was corrected to read VA 0.5 (6.3 pt) at 40 cm after distance correction. The subjects were asked to select a preferred color. Readability was assessed by reading rate as the number of words read correctly in one minute (words per minute, wpm). Results: Readability was the highest on a white and the lowest on a green background. This tendency was shown to be similar to preferred colors. There were no significant differences for readabilities with background colors between genders, and cataract surgery and non-surgery. Differences for reading errors between background colors were also not significant. There was a weak positive relationship between readability and lightness difference, but no relationship was found between readability and color difference. Conclusions: Black letters on a white background usually had a high readability. The differences of readabilities among background could be partially elucidated by lightness differences. However, various factors such as individual`s visual function and environment may be needed to account for these differences in greater detail.
Purpose: In this study, the effects of the correction of anisometropia by spectacle on binocular function were investigated as measuring degree of aniseikonia and stereoacuity in anisometropes. Methods: A study was performed on 57 subjects(20 males and 37 females), without ocular diseases, who had corrected visual acuity higher than 0.8 and had the difference of more than 1D between refraction errors of both eyes. This study excluded the patients who had amblyopia, phoria, and strabismus. All participants were required to perform BCVA, manifest refraction, alternate cover-uncover test for ocular alignment, axial length of the eye. Also, the degree of aniseikonia was measured using Aniseikonia Inspector and the level of stereoacuity was measured by Titmus fly test. Results: The research showed that the degree of aniseikonia significantly increased as its anisometropia increased and there was a significant correlation between the degree of aniseikonia and stereoacuity. The level of stereoacuity was better for anisometropes who wearing spectacle than not wearing them. Conclusions: In conclusion, anisometropia has an important effect on aniseikonia and there is a significant correlation between the degree of aniseikonia and stereoacuity in anisometropes.