This research bases on primary sources written in Sinograph and Nôm (vernacular Vietnamese script) by scholars in premodern Vietnam, to make a pedagogical analysis on the role of the Sanzijing (三字經) in Literary Sinitic education in premodern Vietnam. Thus, this paper claims, the study of the civil service examination in premodern Vietnam should be covered from its starting point, the primary level, to fill the gap of a partial concern by modern scholars of the high level.
摘要:越南科舉研究雖然有了若干重大成就,但是過分偏重“大學”教育的 階段,而忽略學業開始的“小學”階段。爲了彌補這個空白,本文針對小學教育中 最爲重要的《三字經》這一蒙書的教學進行一個案例研究。根據越南漢喃資料,本 文對親自經過科舉教育的人的記載進行考察,從而繼續討論下面幾個問題:《三字 經》與其他蒙書的上學年齡、學習材料的編寫、怎麼教學、教學的效果。