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김 산업의 산업적 분화가 가지는 경제적 의의와 문제점 KCI 등재

Economical Meaning and Problem concerning Industrial Differentiation of Laver Industry

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/314167
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
水産經營論集 (수산경영론집)
한국수산경영학회 (The Fisheries Business Administration Society Of Korea)

This study is aimed to analyze economical meaning and problems on the industrial differentiation of Korean laver industry. Based on the surveyed data, the export value of korean laver has increased over 28 times for last 20 years($10 million to $300 million) and the separation of farming and processing was an important success factor of rapid growth of korean laver industry. However, the result of the survey shows that the farming profit is 534.1 won out of the total price for a bunch of dried laver, 3,566.3 won. So, farming profit counts for just 15 percent of total price. In contrast, the processing profit is 1,143.5 won and it is 32.1 percent of total price. This means that laver farmers are not being guaranteed their profit properly. This phenomenon is occurred due to lower status of first-hand processors(which produce dried laver) to second-hand processors(which produce seasoned laver) due to advanced payment given by second-hand processors. So, fist-hand processors should provide their product in the price which was designated by second-hand processors. Besides, despite of many business risks caused from climate change and environmental pollution, the market price of raw laver has steadily decreased. For sustainable prosperity of korean laver industry, imbalance on korean laver industry concerning profit sharing is need to be changed. In future, self-processing of dried laver in fishery household and enhancing the role of The Fisheries Cooperative Union in laver industry can be considered.

  • 김병호(부경대학교 해양수산경영학과) | Byung-Ho Kim Corresponding author
  • 임동훈(부경대학교 해양수산경영학과) | Dong-Hoon Lim
  • 이주현(부경대학교 해양수산경영학과) | Ju-Hyun Yi