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남해 다랭이마을 해안경관 이용객의 이용행태 분석 KCI 등재

Analysis of the Behavior of Users to Darangyi-village Coastal Landscape, Namhae

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/314679
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휴양및경관연구 (Journal of Recreation and Landscape)
전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 (Institute of Recreation and Landscape Planning)

본 연구는 남해 다랭이마을의 해안경관 이용자의 이용행태를 분석하여 해안경관 활성화 및 관리방안 제고를 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 일반속성 분석결과, 다랭이마을 이용객은 남성보다 여성이 많았으며, 연령은 20대~40대로써 대부분 대학졸업 이상이 었다. 거주 지역별 나이에 따른 교차분석 결과, 시간과 경제적인 여유가 있는 이용객이 많은 것으로 보인다. 직업은 회사 원이 높게 나타났고 기혼자가 많았다. 이용행태 분석결과, 다랭이마을 인지정도에 있어서는 잘 모른다고 하였고, 방문목적은 보물섬 남해관광이 가장 많았으며, 방문이유는 해안의 자연경치 및 경관의 아름다움이 가장 높게 나타났다. 동행형태는 친구 또는 가족이 많았다. 다랭이마을에 도달하는 시간은 2~3시간 이내이며, 관람에 소요되는 시간은 대부분 2시간 이내로 분석되었다. 이는 친구 또는 가족, 연인의 교류장소로 방문하며 대상지를 관람하는데 많은 시간을 할애하지 않는 것으로 보인다. 교통 이용수단 은 자가용이며, 대부분 첫 방문이 많았고, 이용자의 87.5%가 재방문을 희망하고 있었다. 다랭이마을의 이용행태에서 나타난 체류기간, 재방문의사 등은 해안경관의 전반적인 만족도와 통계적인 차이를 보였으며 특히 재방문을 희망하는 이용객은 전체만족도와의 상호 관련성이 매우 높게 나타났다.

This study was undertaken to provide data to aid in the management and development of the coastal landscape through an analysis of visitors’ behavior to Namhae Darangyi-village. The research result is as follows. The researchers analyzed the data, which showed that the age group with highest representation was from 20’s to 40’s and most of them were college graduates. It was seen that many visitors could afford to enjoy visiting the village through and analysis of their place of residence and ages. According to the analysis of visitors’ behavior, it seemed that they did not know the village well. The most common reason given for visiting was sightseeing on Treasure Island in the village, and other reasons were the coastal landscape and the beauty of the scenery. Visitors tended to travel with their friends and their family. The data showed that it commonly took 2~3 hours to get to the village, and that visitors spent up to 2 hours sightseeing. They visited the village primarily to engage in interaction with their family, friends and their loved ones. Their main means of transport was their own vehicle, For the majority it was their first visit there, and most wanted to revisit (87.5%). Visitor data showed a statistical difference between satisfaction with the coastal landscape and length of stay, intention to revisit, and purpose of visit. Of particular interest to the researchers was the finding that the number of visitors who wanted to revisit the village was highly associated wit.h total satisfaction.

  • Daegon Kweon(Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, Sunchon National University) | 권대곤 Corresponding author
  • Jeong Lee(Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Sunchon National University) | 이정