Yackwa was prepared by substituting syrup with xylitol (0, 10, 20, and 30%) and the quality characteristics were evaluated. Volume and specific volume were higher in Yackwa prepared with xylitol than the control. Crude fat content ofxylitol-containing Yackwa were significantly higher than that of control (p<0.05), but moisture content was not different among treatments. Incorporation ofxylitol in Yackwa lowered the redness and yellowness values (p<0.05). Instrumental hardness results showed that the addition of xylitol decreased the hardness ofYackwa. Sensory evaluation revealed no significant difference in overall desirability between controland xylitol-containing groups. Therefore, Yackwa made with up to 30% xylitol in place of syrup is as acceptable as control Yackwa without depressing sensory quality.