Background: Shoulder horizontal adduction (HA) is performed in many activities of daily living. The limited range of motion (LROM) of HA is affected by the tightness of the posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, teres major, and posterior capsule of glenohumeral joint. The LROM of shoulder HA contributes to excessive scapular abduction.
Objects: The aim of this study is to compare the scapular abduction distance and three-dimensional displacement of the scapula during shoulder horizontal adduction between subjects with and without the LROM of shoulder HA.
Methods: 24 subjects (12 people in LROM group and 12 people in normal ROM group) participated. Subjects with less than 115° of HA ROM were included in LROM group. Shoulder HA was performed 3 times for measuring scapular abduction distance and three-dimensional displacement of the scapula. Tape measure was used for measuring scapular abduction distance. Scapular abduction distance was normalized by dividing the scapular size. Polhemus Liberty was used for measuring the three-dimensional displacement of the scapula.
Results: Normalized scapular abduction distance was significantly greater in LROM group than normal ROM group (p<.001). Three-dimensional displacement of the scapula during shoulder HA was greater in LROM group than normal ROM group (p<.05).
Conclusion: LROM group had a greater scapular abduction and three-dimensional displacement of the scapula during shoulder HA compared to normal ROM group.