In the oral literature of Qing Dynasty, there are a lot of Chanese characters with variant forms, including the standardized and vulgar forms, the traditional and simplified forms, and the ancient and modern forms. These variant forms of the same character ususlly can tell us the evolution of the word meaning and pronunciation, and also can tell us the new difference of the wording meaning and pronunciation between the forms of the character in Qing Dynasty, such as “得dĕi-得„ (《Yu yen tzuerh chi》)、哪-那„ (《Yu yen tzuerh chi》)、狠/哏-很、這麼-這們、喝-欱、他-怹tān(《Yan jingfuyu》)”. Therefore, the variant forms of the same character have great value in the history of words. In the literature of dialect in Qing Dynasty, the words of dialect recorded the pronunciation of dialect very well, yet these dialect words have not been paid much attention to in academic research. It is expected that these variant forms of the same character can draw more attention in researching of ancient books.