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Pilot-scale production of Omija-cheong by low temperature incubation:An assessment of quality characteristics KCI 등재 SCOPUS

저온숙성 방법에 따른 생오미자 당절임 농축액인 오미자청의 파일럿 규모 생산 및 품질특성

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/319304
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

Omija-cheong, concentrated extracts from sugar-treated Omija fruit (Schisandra chinensis Baillon), is produced by traditional manner in Korea. The quality characteristics of Omija-cheong processed at low temperature with a pilot-scale were investigated to optimize the incubation time. With increasing incubation time in processing Omija-cheong, the pH level of Omija-cheong remained constant, while titratable acidity and organic acids increased. Fresh Omija fruits contained citric, malic and succinic acids, most of which were extracted into concentrated extracts after 37 days of incubation and reached to the stable concentration after 47 days of incubation. Titratable acidity in Omija-cheong gradually increased from 1.18% to 2.71%, and also was correlated with total concentration of organic acids. About 80% of supplemented sucrose for manufacturing Omija-cheong was converted into glucose and fructose until 68 days of incubation, and the composition of free sugars was maintained to be stable up to 138 days of incubation. The contents of total flavonoids and phenolic compounds in Omija-cheong were 24.1 mg-GAE/L and 1,635 mg-QE/L at 57 days of incubation, which were more than 9 and 5 times higher than those in Omija fruits, respectively. From the quality characteristics in processing Omija-cheong by low-temperature incubation, more than 60 days of incubation is required for the constant quality and value-added beverage.

  • Mi-Na Park(Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Wonkwang University, Iksan 54538, Korea) | 박미나
  • Eun-Seong Ko(Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Wonkwang University, Iksan 54538, Korea) | 고은성
  • Chang Joo Lee(Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Wonkwang University, Iksan 54538, Korea Institute of Life Science and Natural Resources, Wonkwang University, Iksan 54538, Ko) | 이창주
  • Joon-Ho Choi(Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Wonkwang University, Iksan 54538, Korea Institute of Life Science and Natural Resources, Wonkwang University, Iksan 54538, Korea) | 최준호 Corresponding author