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동물매개중재가 초등학생의 자기조절력과 행동문제에 미치는 효과

Effect of Animal Assisted Intervention on Self Regulations and Behavioral Problems of Elementary School Students

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/321777
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,400원
한국동물매개심리치료학회지 (Journal of Korean Association of Animal Assisted Psychotherapy)
한국동물매개심리치료학회 (Korean Association of Animal Assisted Psychotherapy)

This study was designed to verify the effects of Animal Assisted Intervention on self regulations and behavioral problems of the elementary school students who had trouble adjusting to school life due to emotional problems, matter of behaviors, hyper activities, peer problems and prosocial behavior(Sociotropy). The experimental unit used in this study consisted of 8 students aged between 8 and 13, both male and female, who satisfied the criterion of Strengths and Difficulties, the preliminary test, reported by each class teacher. The unit was treated by Animal Assisted Intervention program, divided into 2 groups by grade each made up of 4 subjects in the lower grades and the higher grades. The program consisted of 12 sessions and each was run for 45 minutes with 4 therapy dogs throughout 10 weeks. The data was analyzed with Wilcoxon's signed ranks test on SPSS 20.0 and in brief showed the following results. Animal Assisted Intervention on Self Regulation improvement program was verified to have significant effects on the elementary school students' self regulations and Strengths and Difficulties that reflects behavioral problems

  • 장옥기(원광대학교 보건보완의학대학원 동물매개심리치료학과) | Ocki Chang
  • 김옥진(원광대학교 보건보완의학대학원 동물매개심리치료학과 원광대학교 동물자원개발연구센터) | Okjin Kim Corresponding author