
한국동물매개심리치료학회지 Journal of Korean Association of Animal Assisted Psychotherapy

이 간행물 논문 검색


제5권 제2호 (2016년 12월) 6

2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article provides a review of research published since 1990 on the effects of music on the behavior of animal like as pet music therapy. Music has many positive effects in reducing anxiety and stress before and after procedures in medical settings, and can influence a person’s feelings. Research involving music suggests animals may be similarly affected; classical music induced more relaxed and desirable behaviors in dogs housed in shelters, compared to other music. The healing power of music has long been established in people. Now a handful of harpists throughout the country are harnessing that power for animals. Classical music resulted in dogs spending more of their time resting than any of the other experimental conditions of auditory stimulation. This type of music also resulted in a significantly lower level of barking. Research suggests that calming music may have a beneficial effect on humans, resulting in diminished agitation, improved mood and lower levels of stress. Although the specific effect of classical music on animals remains unknown, the findings from this study suggest that it may, as in humans, have a calming influence
2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 연구의 목적은 동물매개중재 프로그램이 지역아동센터를 이용하는 아동의 공감 능력과 또래관계에 미치는 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 인천광역시 소재 A 지역아동센터에서 사회복지사가 프로그램을 추천한 아동들 중 부모와 본인이 동의한 9세부터 10세까지의 남녀 학생 총 7명이 참여하였다. 연구 진행은 주1회 총 12회기를 매 회당 60분씩 실시하였으며 본 연구자와 보조 진행자 2인, 반려견 1두로 함께 진행하였다. 검사도구로 공감능력 검사, 또래관계 검사를 사용하였고, 통계처리는 SPSS(Version 18.0)을 사용하여 윌콕슨 부호순위검증 (Wilcoxon's signed ranks test)을 통해 사전검사와 사후검사간의 점수 차이를 분석하였다. 주요 연구 결과로는 공감능력의 하위영역인 조망취하기를 통해 또래들의 입장 을 좀 더 생각해 보려는 노력을 하게 되었으며 상상하기와 공감적 각성, 공감적 관심으로 자신의 정서, 또래들의 정서에 관심을 갖게 되고, 그 정서에 대한 감정을 이해하고 언어로 소통하는 것이 좋아졌다. 인지적 공감, 정서적 공감, 의사소통적 공감에 모두 긍정적인 변화로 나타났다. 또한, 또래관계의 하위영역인 신뢰에서 또래들의 문제를 들어주고 해결할 방법을 찾아보려는 태도가 보였으며 분노. 소외감에서 모두 평균 값이 증가하였으나, 분노. 소외감은 통계적으로 그 차이가 나지 않았다. 이상의 연구 결과로 살펴볼 때, 동물매개중재 프로그램은 지역아동센터를 이용하는 아동의 공감능력과 또래관계에 유의한 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다
2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was designed to verify the effects of Animal Assisted Intervention on self regulations and behavioral problems of the elementary school students who had trouble adjusting to school life due to emotional problems, matter of behaviors, hyper activities, peer problems and prosocial behavior(Sociotropy). The experimental unit used in this study consisted of 8 students aged between 8 and 13, both male and female, who satisfied the criterion of Strengths and Difficulties, the preliminary test, reported by each class teacher. The unit was treated by Animal Assisted Intervention program, divided into 2 groups by grade each made up of 4 subjects in the lower grades and the higher grades. The program consisted of 12 sessions and each was run for 45 minutes with 4 therapy dogs throughout 10 weeks. The data was analyzed with Wilcoxon's signed ranks test on SPSS 20.0 and in brief showed the following results. Animal Assisted Intervention on Self Regulation improvement program was verified to have significant effects on the elementary school students' self regulations and Strengths and Difficulties that reflects behavioral problems
2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Animal-Assisted Intervention programs and interventions with students are becoming promising field in school and therapeutic settings. Following this trend, Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) program was designed to help students adopt more easily to school life and to encourage them to keep healthy relationships with others. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to identify the effects of animal-assisted intervention (AAI) on the middle school students' sociability and depression. The participants in this study, 8 middle school students residing in Seoul who were interested in animals and agreed to the research attended this program. This study was conducted two times a week for 6 weeks (a total of 12 times) with one main researcher and three research assistants. The major research tool was the test of sociability and depression and the statistical test being used for this study was Wilcoxon's signed ranks. The results were as follows. First, the study showed the significant effects of animal-assisted intervention on sociability for middle school students. There were significant differences in many aspects such as reliability, autonomy, sociability and compliance. Second, significant reductions in anxiety and depression were found after the introduction of animal-assisted intervention for students. Students who participated this program experienced a reduction in depression and stress to some degree. Also, they began to form much more positive friendships and followed school rules as well. Based on the above results, it can be seen that animal-assisted intervention program significantly has the positive effects on the social adaptability and depression of the middle school students. Therefore, this animal-assisted intervention should be considered as a positive program for emotional and psychological support for middle school students.
2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper aims at studying how the effects of Animal Assisted Therapy on the elderly’s depression, cognition are. The questions of this paper are as followings. 1. What is the demo-social characteristics of elderly in Uisung nursing home? 2. What are the effect of Animal Assisted Therapy on the elderly’s depression, cognition? In this paper, we collected the data by interviews through questionnaires and observations during program. The results of the analyses of the elderly in Uisung nursing home are as follows. In the demo-socio factors, the elderly’s average age is 78, The score of depression of experiment group is 47 in comparison of the previous test 52. The score of cognition is 14 in comparison of the previous test 13. Although there is a little difference between test group and experiment group in post test of MNSE-K, depression, the differences of test group and experiment group in post test of MNSE-K, depression are statistically meaningless. With a view of this point, we can conclude that we need more observation of the effect of the animal assisted therapy in nursing home Uisung area in spite of better conditions than before. The agency to solve the elderly depression, cognition in nursing home need more observation to recognize the important factors affecting the elderly’s depression, cognition in Uisung Kyungbuk Area. In reality, the elderly in nursing home feel more better than before therapy, which implication is very meaningful in elderly welfare.
2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
국내에서는 1980년대 말에 처음으로 반려동물이라는 개념을 사용한 이래로 핵가족화, 1인가족의 증가, 노령화 등으로 인해 반려동물을 기르는 인구가 빠르게 늘어가고 있다. 그러나 동물학대 사례 및 유기동물 또한 점차 증가하여 반려동물 기르기에 대한 교육 및 생명존중교육의 필요가 꾸준히 요구되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 1990년부터 2016년까지 발행된 논문과 서적을 대상으로 문헌조사를 실시하여 아동을 대상으로 반려동물 기르기에 대한 다양한 효과 중 교육적 측면에서의 효과를 아동의 생명존중인식을 중심으로 알아보는데 목적이 있다.