A Study on The Grammaticalization and cognition of tou
本文运用语法化理论,从历时角度分析探讨了“透”的虚化过程,同时使用认知语言学理 论,对“透”的基本义、引申义进行了整理,并归纳出其中的深层语义联系。同时还考察了“透” 的主要虚化机制。经考察发现,“透”的基本语义为“过”、“跳”,二者的共同语义特征是【+ 脫離邊界】、【+超越】,由此引申出“穿通”、“通彻”、“彻底”、“极端”这四种语义。在 隐喻机制的作用下,“透”逐渐由“穿通”义发展出“通彻”、“彻底”、“极端”等语义。“穿 通”义,在隐喻机制的映射下,表现为“区域扩张”的特征,区域扩张又可分为“跨域扩张”与 “区域内扩张”。而隐喻的过程,则是空间领域到情感领域、认知领域、量的领域、程度领域的映 射。“透”的句法作用由连动句中的动词之一,转换到动补结构中的补语,其中经历了重新分析。 随著“透”与其后所跟的宾语在语义关系上日渐疏远,且当“透”和其前的动词的位置不可互换的 时候,“透”用来表示行为的结果。而后经过类推机制的作用,“透”的语义扩展到抽象领域, “透”出现在形容词之后,充当程度补语。“透”的语法化遵循了持续性原则,有语义条件和句法 条件上的优势,同时也离不开隐喻机制、重新分析机制和类推机制的共同作用。
This study focused on the grammaticalization of tou(透), using the theory of grammaticalization analysed the relationships among the meanings of tou., and discussed the conditions and mechanisms during the grammaticalization process of tou. According to the results of this study, the ethmological meanings of tou-- guo and tiao, were great influnce on the meaning development of tou. The common semantic features between guo and tiao are [out of the border]and [transendence]. Beside that, reanalysis was also played an important role on the grammaticalization of tou. Through reanalysis, the verb tou got the function as a complement. The grammaticalization follows the principle of continuity, which has the advantages of semantic and syntactic conditions. We found out that metaphor, reanalysis and analogy played important parts together during the grammaticalization process of tou.