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A Study on the Prevention of Spill of Fuel Oils and Lubricating Oils for Sunken Ships KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/325494
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해양환경안전학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety)
해양환경안전학회 (The Korean Society Of Marine Environment & Safety)

A sunken ship often involves an oil spill. This paper was carried out to minimize environmental and cost damages stemming from oil spil of sunken shipl. Through the analysis of both the standards of the oil tank system and installation, we have identified potential oil spill sites and proposed a remedy of prevention. The result of study, the air pipes of the oil tank are a vulnerable point for oil spill. Also, the remote control devices of emergency shut-off valve have poor accessibility at abandon ship, making it difficult to shut off the emergency shut-off valve. Thus, we propose the addition of a remote quick closing valve in the air pipe and the building of a central control system.

  • Won-Heui Han(Division of Maritime Engineering, Mokpo National Maritime University)
  • Hae-Ji Ju(Department of Marine Engineering, Graduate school, Mokpo National Maritime University) Corresponding Author