PURPOSES: This study proposes the road asset valuation approach using alternative depreciation methods. It has become necessary to have asset management system according to the adoption of accrual basis accounting for governmental financial reporting and the amendment of the road act. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the effect of depreciation methods on road asset value as a basic research for road asset management system. METHODS: The Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF) has mainly performed road asset valuation based on Write down Replacement Cost and Straight Line depreciation method. This study suggests some appropriate asset valuation methods for road assets through case analysis using three depreciation methods: Consumption-based depreciation method, Condition-based depreciation method, and Straight Line depreciation method. A road asset valuation data of national highway route 1 (year 2014) is used to analyze the effect of three depreciation methods on the road asset value. Road assets include land and structures (pavement, bridge, and tunnel). This study mainly focuses on structures such as bridges and tunnels, because according to governmental accounting standards, land and road pavement assets do not depreciate.
RESULTS : The main results of this study are as follows. Firstly, overall asset value of national highway route 1 was estimated at 6.97 trillion KRW when MOSF's method (straight-line depreciation method) is applied. Secondly, asset value was estimated at 4.85 trillion KRW on application of consumption-based depreciation method. Thirdly, asset value was estimated at 4.37 trillion KRW when condition-based depreciation method is applied. Therefore, either consumption-based or condition-based depreciation methods would be more appropriate than straight-line depreciation method if we can use the condition data of road assets including land that are available in real time.
CONCLUSIONS : Since road assets such as pavements, bridges, and tunnels have various patterns of deterioration and condition monitoring period, it is necessary to consider a specific valuation method according to the condition of each road asset. Firstly, even though road pavements do not depreciate, asset valuation through condition-based depreciation method would be more appropriate when requirements for application of non-depreciation approach are not satisfied. Since bridge and tunnel facilities show various patterns of deterioration and condition monitoring period by type and condition level, consumption-based depreciation method based on deterioration model would be appropriate. Therefore, it is necessary to have a reasonable asset management system to apply condition-based depreciation method and a periodic condition investigation to manage road assets well.