Overexpression of a Ginseng UDP-Dependent Glycosyltransferase Resulted in Organ Fusion in Arabidopsis
Background : Glycosylation of natural compounds results in great diversity of secondary metabolites. Glycosylation steps are implicated not only in plants growth and development but also in plant defense responses to various environmental stresses. This process is mediated by members of a multigene superfamily glycosyltransferase (GT), which catalyze the transfer of single or multiple activated sugars to a wide range of substrates, thus influences their chemical property and bioactivity. Although its activity has been recognized for a long time and genes coding UGTs in several higher plants have been identified, specific function of GTs in detail still remains elusive. Methods and Results : Spatial and temporal expression patterns of a ginseng UDP-dependent glycosyltransferase, was analyzed by qRT-PCR. It was expressed highly in rhizome, upper root and youngest leaf compared that of other organs. Spacial expression was observed by GUS histochemical assay after generating promoter::GUS fusion. Noticeably, it expressed axillary branch as well as other organs tested by qRT-PCR. Overexpression of PgUGT in Arabidopsis resulted in fused organ in axillary branch. Stress responsiveness against various abiotic stresses and subcellular localization in Arabidopsis are also addressed. Conclusion : PgUGT phylogenetically closed to PgUGT71A27 involved in ginsenoside compound K (C-K) production. Considering that the C-K is not reported in raw ginseng material, further characterization of this gene may shed light on the biological function of C-K in ginseng growth and development. Organ fusion phenotype could be caused by defective growth of cells in boundary region, commonly regulated by phytohormones such as auxins or brassinosteroids, which in needs to be analyzed further.