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Antibiotics Assay of Doxycycline in Food System using Stripping Voltammetry KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/327648
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한국응용과학기술학회지 (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology)
한국응용과학기술학회(구 한국유화학회) (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology (KSAST))

A voltammetric analysis of doxycycline was developed using DNA immobilized onto a carbon nanotube paste electrode (PE). An anodic peak current was indicated at 0.2 V (versus Ag/AgCl) in a 0.1M NH4H2PO4 electrolyte solution. The linear working range of the cyclic and square wave stripping voltammetry was obtained to 1-27 ngL-1 with an accumulation time of 800 s. Final analytical parameters were optimized to be as follows: amplitude, 0.35 V; frequency, 500 Hz; and pH, 5.43. Here detection limit was found to be 0.45 ngL-1, this result can be applied in foods systems and in the biological diagnostics

  • Suw Young Ly(Biosensor Research Institute, Seoul National University of Technology. 172, gongreung 2 dong, Nowon gu, Seoul, Korea 139-743)
  • Chang Hyun Lee(Department of Integrated Enviromental Systems, Pyeongtaek University, Gyeonggi do, Korea 17869)