Integration of AIS and radar target information for offshore fishing vessels
The dynamic information of radar and automatic identification system (AIS) for targets obtained from the traffic vessels operating in the north outer harbor and surrounding waters of Busan port, Korea. The target information was analyzed to investigate the potential collision risk resulting from the invalid true heading (HDT) information of AIS and the integration ambiguity in the graphic presentation of both tracked data sets for two systems. An integrated display system (IDS) for supporting the navigator of offshore fishing vessels was also developed to find possible maneuvering solutions for collision avoidance by comparing radar data with AIS data in real-time at sea. Consequently, the multiple functions of IDS can provide additional information that is potentially valuable for taking action to avoid the collision in offshore fishing vessels. However, the integration criteria of radar and AIS targets in the IDS must be carefully established to eliminate the fusion ambiguity in the graphic presentation of both AIS and radar symbols such as the one or two physical targets which are very close to each other.