近年来,商务话语在CPT考试的阅读题和语意理解题中常以广告语、公司会议报告以及应聘记录 等体裁出现.其中广告话语多以营销语和打折信息的形式出现;公司会议报告则以正式的会议记录 或非正式的年会祝词形式出现;应聘记录则主要以招聘启事的形式出现。本文以CPT考试真题中听 力和阅读理解部分出现的商务汉语为研究对象,将商务汉语划分为广告语、公司会议报告以及招聘 通知等三种商务话语体裁,并基于真题分析来探究这三种体裁对于汉语学习者在知识、能力和素质 三个维度的测试内容。
Recently, the business discourse has constituted an important part in the CPT, especially in the Readings. The forms of business discourse includes: Advertisement discourse, reports in the Company meetings and records in interviewing.
This essay studies on the Chinese about the business discourse in the reading comprehension and listening comprehension in the CPT. In this essay, advertisement, meeting reports and interviewing notes are the three genres constituting the Chinese about business discourse. The study is basing on the exam questions in the CPT, researching the text dimensions, including the knowledge, ability and the quality.