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간척지에서 사료용 피 계통들의 건물수량 및 사료가치 KCI 등재

Comparison of Forage Yield and Feed Value of Millet Varieties in the Reclaimed Tidelands

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330711
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한국국제농업개발학회지 (The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture)
한국국제농업개발학회 (The Korean Society Of International Agriculture)

To select the forage millet variety suitable for cultivation in the reclaimed tideland, forage and feed value compared for 16 millet cultivars grown at the Saemangyem reclaimed tideland, Korea, from April to August in 2014-2015. In order to select barnyard millet for forage that substitute rice, a total of 16 germplasm were collected, including germplasm in retained by the Rudal Development Administration’s Agricultural Genetic Resources Center, and domestic and foreign germplasm which other researches were retaining in Korea. Out of the 16 germplasm, including Jeju barnyard grass (JBG), were initially selected which are late-heading, long plant height, wide leaves, seed shatter-resistant, and with high dry forage yield in Saemangyem reclaimed tideland. The highest fresh weight and dry weight of barnyard millet were 78.4 ton ha-1, and 21.1ton ha-1 in transplanting May 10. The content of proline was the highest in JBG and IT153610 variety. Total phenol contents were the highest in JBG and the lowest in PI183332 variety, but very high in yield ability were selected; JBG was selected.

  • 황재복(농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원) | Jae-Bok Hwang (Crop Production and Physiology Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju, 55365, Korea)
  • 박홍규(농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원) | Hong-Kyu Park (Crop Production and Physiology Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju, 55365, Korea)
  • 구본일(농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원) | Bon-Il Koo (Crop Production and Physiology Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju, 55365, Korea)
  • 김학신(농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원) | Hak-Sin Kim (Crop Production and Physiology Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju, 55365, Korea)
  • 조광민(전북대학교) | Kwang-Min Cho (Chonbuk National University : 567 Baekje-daero, deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, 54896, Korea) Corresponding author