The aim of this study was to collect the basic data for effective creation and management of hilly pasture. The investigation of flora and vegetation was conducted at 59 relevés in hilly pasture of Daegwallyeong from 2014 to 2016. The vascular plants of the hilly pasture were 121 listed taxa which contain 38 families, 90 genera, 104 species, 13 varieties, and 12 subspecies. The biological type of the hilly pasture was determined as the Th-D4-R5-e type. Twelve taxa were of naturalized plants composed of 5 families, 9 genera, 12 species. The urbanization index and the naturalized index were 3.7% and 9.9%, respectively. The vegetation types in the hilly pasture were classified into the following 3 communities: the Spiraea miyabei-Spiraea salicifolia community, the Persicaria thunbergii community, and the Agrostis alba-Phleum pratense community. The Agrostis alba-Phleum pratense community was classified into the following 5 subcommunities: the Poa pratensis subcommunity, the Artemisia princeps subcommunity, the Festuca ovina subcommunity, the Rumex acetosella subcommunity, and the typical subcommunity. Two factors (slope and EC) had the strongest impact on plant community distribution. Especially, the steep sloping sites (over 40°) did not play a crucial role in maintaining adequate pasture because of the invasion and establishment of shrubs.