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浅谈中韩文化交流的现状、问题与对策 ― 以中国视角为中心 KCI 등재

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/331087
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

2017 is the 25th anniversary of establishment between Korea-China diplomatic relation. Since the establishment of diplomatic relation in 1992, the two countries have actively exchanged political, economic, cultural, diplomatic interchange due to the conditions such as relatively favorable geographical proximity, cultural homogeneity, etc. compared to exchange with other countries. According to the statistics of China Magazine (2017.03,07), the number of personal exchange was 130,000 a year in 1992, the first year of establishment of diplomatic relation, however in the early 2016, before Thaad dispute, over 100,000 tourists visited each other’s country weekly, in a rapid development. Korean overseas students in China(在中) were around 66,000(15%) in 2016, the biggest proportion among foreign students, and Chinese overseas students in Korea(在韓) also rapidly developed to 70,000 students, over the half(57%) of international students. Also, 140 places concluded exchange agreement between provinces(省), cities between the two countries, accordingly, cultural exchange between the two countries were enhanced in qualitative level as well as quantitative expansion during the last 25 years, and cultural exchange became the most important core factor of Korea-China exchange. However, there are lots of problems in Korea-China cultural exchange due to reinforcement of nationalism, historical awareness, discrimination awareness, and cultural difference, etc. Also, there are obstructive factors along with political interest between the U.S. and China in respect of the Korean Peninsula situation. Particularly, the two countries are facing a serious crisis of cultural exchange since the establishment of diplomatic relation, such as prohibition of Chinese group tourists to Korea, restriction of Korean popular culture and Korean wave celebrities’ activities, etc. by Chinese government since Thaad placement problem in 2016. This research raised the status and problem of Korea-China cultural exchange firstly from the viewpoint of China. Also, based on this, suggested a basic plan to solve such problem, henceforth. Research based on the viewpoint of Korea will be progressed in follow-up study.

2017年是中韩建交25周年,建交以来中韩两国尽显地缘相近、人缘相亲、文缘相通的优势, 文化交流与合作空前高涨,两国人员往来日益频繁,文化交流领域不断拓宽,交流水平和质量不断 提高,文化交流成为中韩关系的重要组成部分。但是,在中韩双边文化交流过程中仍然存在着民族 主义,相互认知差异,民间负面情绪增大等诸多亟待解决的问题。面对日益走向成熟且又敏感复杂 的中韩关系,两国有必要调整对彼此的认知,尊重文化的多样性,以“和而不同”、“求同存异” 为理念,寻找在不同文化之间开展交流与对话的途径,彼此取长补短,以达到共同发展。特别是在 当前由于“萨德”入韩问题而使中韩关系面临挑战与挫折时,更加需要双方进一步增进理解和信 任,扩大共识,改善两国关系的民意基础,而文化交流是加深两国国民之间相互理解、扩大友好合 作,夯实中韩战略合作伙伴关系必不可少的有效途径。

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