A review of disciplinary provisions in the articles of association of school juridical person
현행법이 강제하고 있는 사항이 아님에도 모든 사립학교법인은 정관에 소속 교원의 징계와 관련된 규정을 두고 있다. 그러나 그 내용 및 형식 은 「사립학교법」 상의 관련 규정을 완전히 동일하게 옮겨 적고 있거나 요약하는 수준에 그치고 있다. 또 현행법이 교원의 징계와 관련해 정관 등 자치규범에게 위임한 것으로 보이는 내용들을 명문으로 규정하지 않 은 채 교원징계위원회의 결정에 위임하고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 대부분의 사립학교법인의 정관이 가지고 있는 이와 같은 문제점들은 교원에 대한 징계처분이 학교법인의 운영과정에서 일반적으로 발생하는 사안이 아니라는 데에서 비롯된 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 이와 같은 규 정 내용 및 형식은 임용권자 및 교원으로 하여금 징계와 관련된 예측가 능성을 상실하게 만들며, 그 결과 징계와 관련된 불필요한 분쟁을 발생 시키게 될 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 사립학교법인의 정관 상 교원의 징 계와 관련된 규정은 각 학교법인의 현실에 맞도록 보다 구체적이고 체계 적으로 규율할 필요가 있다. 특히 징계의 사유, 징계양정, 징계에 필요한 서식 및 기타 사립학교법에서 위임한 사항들은 반드시 정관에 포함되어 야 할 것이다. 「사립학교법」은 강행규정으로서 이를 위반한 정관 상의 징계규정은 무 효이다. 대표적으로 정관에서 징계위원회의 구성과 관련된 내용을 달리 규정해 놓은 경우를 생각해 볼 수 있다. 그런데 징계의 시효와 관련해서 는 달리 검토해 볼 필요가 있다. 징계시효제도의 목적은 사용자가 징계 권을 행사할 수 있는 기간을 제한함으로써 근로자가 상당 기간 불안정한 지위에 있게 되는 것을 방지하려는 데에 있는바, 「사립학교법」 상의 징 계시효기간보다 단기의 기간을 설정해 놓은 정관상 징계시효규정의 유효 성에 대한 판단은 일반적인 경우와 다를 수 있기 때문이다. 그러나 「사 립학교법」 상의 징계시효기간은 수차례에 걸친 개정을 통하여 연장되어 왔다는 점과 함께 그 기간을 보다 장기간으로 연장하려는 현재의 입법 동향 등을 고려한다면, 이 또한 절대적인 기준으로서 이를 위반한 정관 상 징계시효규정은 효력이 없다고 보는 것이 타당하다.
Differently from the workers in the civilian sector to whom the Labor Standards Act is applied, in the case of the teachers at the private schools, regarding the appointment, the service, etc., the Special Corporation Private School Act and the Private School Act Enforcement Ordinance are applied on the 1st level. The current Private School Act has been regulating the contents on the disciplinary punishments of the teachers more. Regarding the matters of the disciplinary punishments of the teachers, or, in other words, regarding the reasons, procedures, etc. of the disciplinary punishments, it would be a general thing to regulate them through the self-governing canons, including the articles of association and others of the like to fit the actual circumstances of the corporation within the range that is regulated by the Private School Act. This research made its main purpose to be the examination of the feasibility of the disciplinary provisions in the articles of association of the private school corporations. And, by having some private school corporations as the subjects, this research attempted the task of comparing the disciplinary provisions in the articles of association with the regulations in the Private School Act. Despite the fact that it is not a matter that has been coerced by the existing law, all of the private school corporations had the regulations in the articles of association that were related to the disciplinary punishments of the teachers who belong to them. However, the contents and the forms either stopped at partially organizing the regulations in the Private School Act only or they have been regulating in the completely same way. Also, regarding the contents in which it looked like the existing Actual State Law had entrusted to the self-governing canons, including the articles of association and others of the like, despite their importance, we were able to confirm that the existing Actual State Law had been entrusting most things to the Teachers' Disciplinary Committee. It is judged that such problems possessed by the articles of association of most school corporations are not the issues that generally take place because of the disciplinary actions regarding the teachers. However, such regulation contents make the appointment authority holders and the teachers lose the possibility of the prediction related to the disciplinary punishment. And, as a result, it is anticipated that the unnecessary disputes related to the disciplinary punishments can take place. As a result, there is a need to regulate the regulations related to the disciplinary punishments of the teachers in the articles of association of the private school corporations more specifically and systematically to fit the reality of each school corporation. Especially, the reasons for the disciplinary punishments, the selections of the disciplinary punishments, the forms needed for the disciplinary punishments, and the other matters entrusted by the Private School Act must be included in the articles of association, without fail. Because the Private School Act is an imperative provision, the disciplinary provisions that violate the contents are ineffective. But, regarding the prescriptions of the disciplinary punishments, there is a need to examine differently. The purpose of the system of the prescriptions of the disciplinary actions is to prevent the workers from being in an unstable position for a considerable time period by restricting the time period in which the users can exercise the right to a disciplinary punishment. This is because the effectiveness of the regulations of the prescriptions of the disciplinary actions in the articles of association which has decided a shorter time period than the prescriptions of the disciplinary actions in the Private School Act can be different from the ordinary cases. If we consider the trends of the legislation and others of the like that intend to extend the time period at present to a longer time period, together with the point that the regulations of the prescriptions of the disciplinary actions in the Private School Act have been extended through the continuous amendments, these, also, are the absolute regulations, and it is correct to think that the regulations of the prescriptions of the disciplinary actions in the articles of association which violated do not have any effectiveness.