Among two different acetylcholinesterase (AmAChE1 and AmAChE2) of the western honey bee, the soluble AmAChE1might be related with a stress response as judged from its over-expression in honey bee workers when brood rearingwas suppressed. In this study, to ensure the nature of AmAChE1 responding to stress factors, the expression patternsof AmAChE1 were investigated following various treatments, including varroa mite infestation, bacterial challenge, broodrearing suppression, thermal stresses, chemical treatments, ultraviolet B irradiation, starvation, water restriction and crowdingstress. In addition, transcription profiles of four heat shock protein genes known as general stress markers and vitellogeningene, which is induced in several stress conditions, were tested as positive references. In every tested condition, onlybrood rearing suppression and heat shock were related with the expression of AmAChE1.