Aphidius colemani has been used as commercially available natural enemies for the aphid control. However, some siblingspecies are difficult to distinguish their morphology even though they have different parasitic characteristics. Recentlywe identified overwintering parasitoids inside the aphid mummies at the pepper greenhouse in Yecheon. The nucleotidesequence analysis identified as A. transcaspicus which is morphologically similar with A. colemani. Those genetic differencesof COI and ITS2 sequences were 4.36-4.84% and 2.65-5.84%, respectively. While A. colemani is useful for the controlof Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae, A. transcaspicus parasitize various species belongs to the genera Hyalopterus, Melanaphisand Rhopalosiphum. Thus, precise diagnosis of natural enemies is required for the successful pest control.