n re cent ye ars, remarkable conce rn has be en eme rged ove r endocr ine disrupting chemicals (E D Cs) which mimic the e ffe cts of the ste roid hormone and modulate the endocr ine functions of human and wildlife . The biodegradation products of sur factants such as nonylphenol (N P ) have be en regarded as E D Cs. H oweve r , only few studie s have be en car r ied out to inve stigate the e ffe ct of E D Cs on vite llogene sis in mar ine fish. The pre sent study was unde r taken to the e ffe cts of 4-N P on the vite llogene sis of juvenile rockfish, Sebaste s schlege li. J uvenile rockfish we ighing about 50g we re intrape r itone ally inje cted with e stradiol-17β (E 2, 5㎎/㎏ body we ight) or 4-N P in 70% e thanol twice at 3-day inte rvals and blood sampling we re extracted from the fish at 7 days afte r the last inje ction. I ntense VTG bands we re de te cted at mole cular we ight position of about 170kD a in all the plasma of 4-N P -administrated fish as that of E 2-administe red fish. P lasma ALP P , Ca and GP T concentrations we re also incre ased in all the group of 4-N P -administe red fish. The addition of 4-N P to the we lls inhibited the binding activity E 2 to E R in a conve rse sigmoid fashion. The se re sults sugge sted that 4-N P induced VTG synthe sis by the binding affinity 4-N P to E R and acted on E D Cs in the juvenile rockfish