n re cent ye ars, remarkable conce rn has be en eme rged ove r endocr ine disrupting chemicals (E D Cs) which mimic the e ffe cts of the ste roid hormone and modulate the endocr ine functions of human and wildlife . The biodegradation products of sur factants such as nonylphenol (N P ) have be en regarded as E D Cs. H oweve r , only few studie s have be en car r ied out to inve stigate the e ffe ct of E D Cs on vite llogene sis in mar ine fish. The pre sent study was unde r taken to the e ffe cts of 4-N P on the vite llogene sis of juvenile rockfish, Sebaste s schlege li. J uvenile rockfish we ighing about 50g we re intrape r itone ally inje cted with e stradiol-17β (E 2, 5㎎/㎏ body we ight) or 4-N P in 70% e thanol twice at 3-day inte rvals and blood sampling we re extracted from the fish at 7 days afte r the last inje ction. I ntense VTG bands we re de te cted at mole cular we ight position of about 170kD a in all the plasma of 4-N P -administrated fish as that of E 2-administe red fish. P lasma ALP P , Ca and GP T concentrations we re also incre ased in all the group of 4-N P -administe red fish. The addition of 4-N P to the we lls inhibited the binding activity E 2 to E R in a conve rse sigmoid fashion. The se re sults sugge sted that 4-N P induced VTG synthe sis by the binding affinity 4-N P to E R and acted on E D Cs in the juvenile rockfish
실내에서 사육된 C. riparius를 대상으로 내분비계 교란물질인 BPA와 4-nonylphenol을 처리하여 형태적인 변화를 살펴보았다. 약제에 노출된 개체의 하순기절은 부드러워지거나(smooth) 손실(loss)이 가장 많았다. 처리물질에 따른 기형의 정도를 살펴보면, BPA는 31~90%, 4-nonlyphenol은 40~80%의 범위를 보였다. BPA는 처리 농도가 증가할수록 기형도 증가하였으나 4-nonylphenol
포란한 성충 암컷 Tigriopus japonicus(요각류)를 내분비계 교란물질로 잘 알려져 있는 4-nonylphenol에 노출하여 생존율과 포란율의 변화를 살펴보았다. 실험생물은 2004년 4월 제주도 구안연안에서 플랑크톤망으로 쓸어 잡기로 채집한 후 실내순응을 한 달 동안 시켰다 치사율은 노출농도의 높아지면 증가하였으나 그 경향이 뚜렷하지 않았다. 반면, 노출 후 처음으로 치사한 개체가 발생하는 시기는 비처리군과 처리군에 따라 명백한 차이를 보였
비이온성 계면활성제로 많이 쓰이는 알킬페놀류의 하나인 노닐페놀(nonylphenol)이 해산어류에게 미치는 영향을 조사하려고 주요 양식어종인 조피볼락에게 복강주사로 10 및 25 mg kg-1을 1회 투여하였다. 한편 용제인 DMSO만을 주사한 sham구를 설정하여 비교하였다. 주사 후 7일간 간중량지수(hepatosomatic index)의 변화를 조사하였고, 또한 간장 미크로좀 중 대표적인 약물대사효소인 cytochrome P450 (CYP
Nonylphenols (NP) are used in manufacturing antioxidants and lubricating oil additives, which are considered to be as potent endocrine disruptor. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of NP on reproductive system in adult male mice. Mice were divided into 4 groups; (1) tap water (CON group), (2) 50 μg/L (NP50), (3) 500 μg/L (NP500) and (4) 5000 μg/L (NP5000) of NP via the drinking water for 4 weeks. Mice were sacrificed and the reproductive organ weights were measured. The caudal epididymal sperms were count to assess the toxicity on germ cells. Histopathological changes of tissues were observed by using hematoxylin/eosin staining. The weights of testis in NP5000 group were significantly lighter than those in CON group (104.9±2.9 mg vs 90.7±5.1 mg, p<0.05). And weights of epididymis significantly increased in NP500 group (44.2±2.6 mg vs 54.42±3.44 mg, p<0.05). As concentration of NP increased, the number of sperms significantly decreased (NP50 and NP500, p<0.01; NP5000, p<0.001). In histopathological analyses, the sperms in seminiferous tubules showed a concentration-dependent decrease in mice treated with NP. In epididymis, treatment with NP resulted in empty space and the reduced sperm numbers in dose-dependent manner. Our results confirmed the dose-dependent decrease in the number of sperm and histopathological abnormality of testis and epididymis in mice exposed from 50 μg/L to 5000 μg/L of NP for 4 weeks. The present study suggests that oral exposure of NP might have negative effects on reproductive function, particularly on germ cells, in adult male mice.
4-Nonylphenol (NP) is a surfactant that is a well-known and widespread estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC). Although it has been known that the affinity of NP to ERs is low, it has been suggested that low-dose NP has toxicity. In the present study, the endocrine disrupting effects on reproduction, and the weight of gonads, epididymis, and uterus were evaluated with the chronic lower-dose NP exposing. This study was designed by following the OECD test guideline 443 and subjected to a complete necropsy. In male, NP had an effect on the weight of the testis and epididymis in both F0 and F1. In females, NP decreased the weight of ovary and uterus in F0 but not in pre-pubertal F1 pubs. Fertility of male and female in F0 or F1 was no related with NP administration. The number of caudal-epididymal sperm by body weight (BW) was not different between groups in both F0 and F1. Besides, the difference of the sperm number between generations was not detected. The number of ovulated oocytes was similar between groups in F0, but significantly decreased in NP 50 group of F1. The litter size and sex ratios of offspring in F1 and F2 were not different. The accumulated mating rate and gestation period were not affected by the NP administration. Those results shows that chronic lower-dose NP administration has an effect of endocrine disruptor on the weight of gonads and epididymis of F0 and F1 but not in reproduction. Based on the results, it is suggested that chronic lower-dose NP exposing causes endocrine disruption in the weight of gonad and epididymis but not in the reproductive ability of next generations.
To investigate the effects of octylphenol and nonylphenol on the reproduction of the striped field mouse, the mice were subcutaneousely injected with 4-t-octylphenol 800 mg/kg (OP800), nonylphenol 900 mg/kg (NP900) or OP800 + NP900 (OPNP), respectively, in two times a week for 2 months. As the results, there were no differences between the control and the compound-treated groups in the body weight in both sexes, and the GSI (gonadosomatic index) and SVI (seminal vesicles index) in the adult males. But histological abnormalities of the reproductive organs in the mice seems to be related to the compound. This suggestion is supported by the facts that most mice treated with the compounds had only a small number of spermatozoa in the shrunken epididymal tubules. In addition, the shrunken reproductive organ in one mouse treated with the NP, suggests that the abnormalities in the wild striped field mice might be induced by the compound. Furthermore, it is indicated that the compounds must be toxicants to inhibit pregnancy, judging from the fact that all the mice treated with the compounds had failed to deliver.
레티놀 결합 단백질(retinol-binding protein, RBP)은 고등 척추동물에서 혈류를 통해 특이적으로 레티놀을 표적세포에 운반해 주는 중요한 역할을 한다. 우리나라의 연안에 서식하고 있으며 산업적으로 중요한 조피볼락(Sebastes schlegeli)을 대상으로 4-nonylphenol(NP)가 RBP mRNA 발현에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 간으로부터 cDNA library를 제작하고 RBP 단편의 염기서열을 분석하였다. 분석된 RB