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Over 의 의미 분석과 응용 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/335279
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현대문법연구 (Studies in Modern Grammar)
현대문법학회 (The Society Of Modern Grammar)

Chung, Yung-sik. 1998. A Study on The Semantic Analysis of OVER and Its Application. Studies in Modern grammatical 13, 41-62. The aim of this thesis is to show the systematic relationships among the interrelated meanings of OVER in English, which runs through all the seemingly different uses of OVER. Based on the semantic analysis of OVER, this study shows that the phenomena of semantic extension are universal. Brugman (1981), followed by Lakoff, showed that OVER can be analyzed as a chained system of senses using image schemas and natural image-schema transformations. The Brugman/Lakoff analysis can be improved, however, by relying more exclusively on image-schema transformation and eliminating some remnants of feature analysis. The key to the analysis is a curved arc-trajectory in the central schema, replacing the flat "across" trajectory presumedly Brugman and Lakoff. This modification leads to the elimination of unnecessary features such as the shape of the landmark, "contact", and subschemas (for ABOVE ad ACROSS). Its main advantage, though, is that the arc-path schema provides the basis for explaining all of the variants of OVER using natural image-schema transformations (and metaphors). The proposed image-schema transformations include: multiple trajectors; multiple-mass; multiple path; path-segment profiling; extending-path trajector; reflexive trajector; resulting state (including extended- path trajector and subjective path to endpoint); and shifted perspective. The meaning of OVER was analyzed previously by Brugman, Lakoff and Kee-dong Lee. But their conditions have problems in the following points: 1. sometimes, even though their conditions are not satisfied, over is used and sometimes, even though satisfied, over is not used. 2. Their explanations of the stationary meaning of over in relation to the basic meaning have no consistency. 3. When they explain the meaning of fall over, turn...over, they thought that TR is LM but their explanations are ad hoc. When the TR is stationary and in noncontact with LM, and is moved and located in the given position, the conditions of the basic meanings can be used in this case if the movements are thought to be the reverse of the movements in the conditions of the basic meanings.

  • 정영식 | Yung Sik Chung