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대학생의 영어 청취 책략이 청취 숙달도에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/335287
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현대문법연구 (Studies in Modern Grammar)
현대문법학회 (The Society Of Modern Grammar)

Chung Jung-Seung. 1998. The Effects of Listening Strategies on Listening Proficiency in University Students. Studies in Modern Grammar 14, 321-347. This study aims at finding out what kinds of listening strategies Korean university students have in the English classroom It also investigates not only the differences between male and female students, between high and low groups of students, and among majors in the use of listening strategies, but also the relationship between listening strategy use and listening achievement in these groups of students. The analysis of data revealed several important things in the study of listening strategies. First, there existed seven factors of strategies: affective, metacognitive, cognitive, inference, self-management, selective attention, and comparison-repetition strategies. Second, among the seven strategies the affective strategies were most closely related to the rest of the strategies. Third, the most favored listening strategies by the Korean students were self-management strategies, while the least frequently used strategies were metacognitive strategies. Fourth, female students showed more frequent use of listening strategies than their male counterparts. Fifth, humanities students tended to use strategies more often than engineering and science students. Sixth, the high achievement group of students were found to use listening strategies far more significantly often than the low group of students. Seventh, the statistically significant relationship between use of listening strategies and listening achievement xisted between high and low groups of students. Finally, the study suggests some implications for teaching listening comprehension and some considerations for further research in listening strategies.

  • 정정승 | Jung Seung Chung