Hy e - Ky oung Kim . 2002. S ome Is sue s on Ex pletiv e Cons tructions . S t ud ie s in M od e rn Gramma r 27, 123 - 145 . In this paper, we will attempt to provide an alternative to Chomsky ' s (2000, 2001) Agree- based analysis of expletive there and it constructions . One of the main claims is that without recourse to Chomsky ' s (1995, 2000, 2001) economy condition that employs the "Merge over Move" preference, expletive there and it constructions can be uniformly accounted for ; that is, expletive there overtly raises from the Spec position of DP (see Waller 1997), and expletive it raises from the Spec position of CP to satisfy feature checking (see Stroik 1996). In addition, we will show that the exceptional checking of the EPP feature by direct merger of the expletive with TP can be excluded under the analysis proposed here.