한국약용작물학회(The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)
정정수(강원도농업기술원 인삼약초연구소) | Jeong Su Jeong (Ginseng and Medicinal Plants Research Institute, Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheorwon 25450, Korea.)
Corresponding author
모영문(강원도농업기술원 인삼약초연구소)
이광재(강원도농업기술원 인삼약초연구소) | Kwang Jae Lee (Ginseng and Medicinal Plants Research Institute, Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheorwon 25450, Korea.)
윤예지(강원도농업기술원 인삼약초연구소) | Ye Ji Yoon (Ginseng and Medicinal Plants Research Institute, Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheorwon 25450, Korea.)
원재희(강원도농업기술원 인삼약초연구소) | Jae Hee Won (Ginseng and Medicinal Plants Research Institute, Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheorwon 25450, Korea.)