Thepurposeofthisstudy isto examinetheproblemsofmiscommunication in military organizationsand to suggest some ways in educating military personnel for better communication.Indoingthis,thepresenceofthebarrierandobstaclesin the military communication was closely examined and diagnosed in various ways: how the communicative obstacles affect the flow of information in the military and how each dimension of obstacles is associated with various identities of military personnelsuch as rank, gender,and age.The results reveal three factors in communication problems:first,thebarriersofinformationflow incommunicationprocess; second,the conflictdue to the complex identities ofmilitary members; third,the changes in attitude ofthe communication participants.Along with these findings, suggestions for some directions of effective communication education in military organization arealsodiscussed.The communicationeducationpolicymustconsidertheaspectsofmilitary job specificationsandpriorityofmiddle-gradeoffices,Itshouldbenotedthat continuing education is also important to deliver correctness, appropriateness,andeffectivenessofcommunication