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반복되는 천명을 가진 학령 전기 소아에서 고장성 식염수와 Salbutamol 병용 흡입치료의 효과

The Effect of Nebulized 5% Hypertonic Saline and Salbutamol in Children with Recurrent Wheezing Episode

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339709
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
The Medical Journal of Chosun University (조선대학교 의대논문집)
조선대학교 의학연구원 (Institute of Medical Science, Chosun University)

There are reports that inhaling hypertonic saline with bronchodilator is helpful in the treatment of bronchiolitis. However, further studies are needed to determine if it is helpful to inhale hypertonic saline with bronchodilator in children with recurrent wheezing. We aimed to investigate the effect of hypertonic saline inhalation in children with recurrent wheezing. A total of 40 patients under 6 years of age admitted to Kwangju Christian Hospital from December 2014 to May 2016 were enrolled. Patients were randomly assigned to receive salbutamol. In the control group (n=21), salbutamol (2.5-5 mg / 0.5-1 mL) was inhaled four times a day with physiological saline (0.9% normal saline 1-3 mL). In the experimental group (n=19), the same amount of hypertonic saline (5% saline 1-3 mL) was inhaled four times a day instead of physiological saline. We compared the duration of wheezing remission between patients who had recurrent wheezing (n=40). There was no difference in the duration of wheezing remission in patients who had recurrent wheezing. But the hypertonic saline inhalation group had a lower post treatment clinical score on the 2nd-3rd day of admission than the physiological saline inhalation group. In this study, hypertonic saline inhalation therapy was not significantly effective in the treatment of recurrent wheezing. More additional research is needed to determine whether inhaled hypertonic saline is effective in the treatment of recurrent wheezing.

서 론
 대상 및 방법
 결 과
  성별, 연령별 분포 및 역학 특징
  천명의 호전시기
  입원 날짜별 임상 평가 점수 호전
  나이별 비교
 고 찰
  • 송명곤(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Myung Gon Song
  • 이화랑(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Hwoa Rang Lee
  • 김용욱(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Yong Wook Kim
  • 김경심(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Kyoung Sim Kim
  • 김은영(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Eun Young Kim
  • 김령(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Young Kim
  • 장해인(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Hae In Jang
  • 조형민(광주기독병원 소아청소년과, Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Korea) | Hyung Min Cho Corresponding author