Monotheme and Monotonality in Mahler's 7th Symphony
German composer in the late nineteenth-century faced the difficulties of developing their extremely brief and original idea(Grundgestalt), and the treatment of the musical idea or thematic affected the whole structure of a piece. In this regards, the real sequential technique of Wagner and the developing variation of Brahms are the most distinctive principles of the process of music idea in this period. The compositional technique of their contemporary, Gustav Mahler, on the other hand, has been always treated as isolated and considered as having no specific and coherent principle of thematic technique in his music. Actually even his sonata movements, despite being based on the traditional formal scheme, shows great difference with Brahms. Then, what elements did he use in his composition and what should be examined besides the technique of Brahms and Wagner to analyze his music? In this paper, the first sonata movement of Mahler's 7th Symphony has been examined focusing on his principle of presentation and process of the initial musical idea and its influence on the structural form of the piece in organic sense. The two characteristics in Mahler are found in this study: the one is monotonal aspect throughout the movement and the other is liquidation technique presenting the initial musical idea. The introduction to the movement provides the process of growing of the main and subordinate themes out of a seed, the initial musical idea, and show themes are related in a tonality as well. Liquidation technique can be explained by Brahmsian developing variation in a highly extened form, so that the motivic transformation is more varied and further, other themes or ideas are derived from it. In the liquidation, since the harmony strives away from the tonic, tonal extention can naturally occurs. These compositional techniques in Mahler are also clearly supported by his sketches of this movement, which was examined by Stephen Hefling. Monotonality is the pre-stage of pantonality or atonality, since the monotonality concept has enormous freedom in modulation or transposition in a piece. And liquidation technique offers the freedom by transforming and developing musical idea. Consequently, it is no exaggeration to say that the principles in Mahler's composition are entirely in organic sense and should definitely influenced on Schoenbergian musical language.