A Poet’s Posturing: Dong-gyu Hwang’s and W. B. Yeats’s Poem-Writing in Face of Death
황동규의 죽음을 보는 시인의 자세가 잘 나타나 있는 시는 풍장 연작이 있다. 예이츠의 시 청금석 부조 (“Lapis Lazuli”)에는 무대 위 비극의 절정을 연기하는 배우의 영웅적인 과장된 연출을 지향한다면, 황동규는 죽음으로 달려가며 ‘시계’가 좁 아진 세계를 찾고자 한다. 인생이란 아무런 의미가 없지만, 열정적으로 살아갈 것을 강조한 니체와 예이츠가 가깝고, 삶이라는 것 자체엔 아무 의미가 없으니 열정적으로 사는 것을 지양한 쇼펜하우어와 황동규가 가깝다고 할 수 있다.
A series of poems, Pungjang or aerial burial, by Dong-kyu Hwang, demonstrate a clear posture of a poet facing death. The ‘open-eyed’ world reminds us of Yeats’s “Lapis Lazuli.” Poem-writing is a will to narrow the vision to open the eyes and hang on the cliff: it’s like actors with a role to play on Yeats’s stage: they are ‘cheerful’ on stage at the moment their tragedy reaches the climax. Whereas Yeats acts out the thing exaggerated to the maximum extent in the heroic and mythic world, Dong-gyu Hwang attempts to search for a ‘vision-narrowed’ world. But what is common in both poets is that both are running to death, not losing joy and brightness. As life’s meaningless, it seems clear, Yeats and Nietzsche emphasize passionate life, while Hwang Dong-kyu and Schopenhauer for the same reason stress moderation in life.