Carbonates from Cheolam Ore Deposits
철암광상에서 산출되는 탄산염광물
In the Cheolam ore deposits, mineral paragenesis is divided into six depositional stages by the multiple episodes of brecciation and faulting. Pardculary, stage III is carbonates stage in which rhodochrosite, calcite, kutnahorite and dolomite are occurred. Mineral genetic sequence of these carbonates are as follows : (도표) Homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion in calcite ranges from 175 to 240℃. Fluid inclusions study and geothermometer of calcite-dolomite system reveal that the pressure ranges from 620 to 720 bars in stage III. This pressure is higher than Gthostatic load pressure of stage I in the Cheolam ore deposits. This fact corresponds with the fractured carbonate minerals occurrence.