Power Spectral Analysis of Daily Mean Temperature and Pressure in South Korea
A power spectral analysis is made seasonally for the data of daily mean temperature and pressure at Seoul(37°34'N, 126°58'E), Chupungnyong(36°13'N, 128°00'E), Kwangju(35°08'N, 126°55'E) from March 1961 to February 1986. The time sequences of the power spectra for the daily mean pressure show that power spectral density is generally high at the period of 20-30days and 10 days in winter, 15-20 days and 8.6 days in spring, summer and autumn. For the daily mean temperature, the power spectral density is generally lower than that of pressure and changes largely following the seasons, high in winter and low in summer. The time sequences of the' power spectra are much the same pattern as that of pressure in spring and autumn, but in winter show high power spectral density at the period of 5.5-7.5 days, much the same period as '3 cold days and 4 warm days' which is the popular weather lore on the winter temperature fluctuations in Korea. Judging from the phase differences between observation stations of temperature and pressure changes, which is less than 20 degrees, the phase changes of temperature occurs in sequence of Seoul, Chupungnyong, Kwangju and in case of pressure much the same as in the temperature at the period of above 15 days, but below the period of about 15 days in the opposite sequence. The correlations between the interannual changes of seasonal mean of weather elements and the power spectral density at each period are investigated to show that the positive correlation is between the power spectral density at the period of above 20 days and temperature in summer, that at below 4.5 days and precipitation in spring, that at below 6.7 days and temperature in winter.