This study aimed to identify the aquatic and riparian factors associated with the presence/absence of the Eurasian otter in the Nakdong river basin, where the species is relatively more abundant than other otter species. Environmental factors and presence records were collected. Geographical Information System technology and chi-square test were used to compare environmental gradients in aquatic and riparian factors between presence and absence sites. Aquatic habitat attributes were evaluated with natural riverside sandbars and channel crossing artificial structures, the ratio of channel width to alluvial plain width, riverbed substrate, and flow diversity. Riverbank characteristics, bank materials, man-made embankment types, and land use/land cover of inland and riverside areas were selected as riparian habitat attributes. Compared to the aquatic attributes, riparian attributes were highly significant when assessing otter presence and absence sites, suggesting that conservation of suitable riparian areas to provide maternity and resting areas for otter species is essential in the Nakdong river basin. None of the aquatic attributes examined were statistically significant when evaluating otter presence or absence. These results indicate that the presence of suitable riparian area for resting and reproduction habitats is more critical to the presence of Eurasian otter than food availability in aquatic areas. To inform implementation of effective conservation action