Changes of Aflatoxins During the Ripening of Korean Soy Paste and Soy Sauce and the Characteristies of the Changes - Part 1. Effect of Bacillus subtilis on the Growth and Aflatoxin Production of Aspergillus parusiticus
This study was performed to investigate the possible effect of Bacillus subtilis which is the predominant species of bacteria in Korean soy sauce, soy paste, and Meju (soybean cake) on the growth and aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus ATCC 15517. The microorganisms were grown in a modified APT broth and incubated at 30℃ for 12 days. Aflatoxins were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A remarkable inhibition of the growth of Aspergillus parasiticus was observed during the incubation period when in the presence of B. subtilis (mixed culture). Dry mycelial weight in the mixed culture was significantly reduced by 85.3% in comparison to the control at the end of the incubation period (p$lt;0.01). Lower levels of aflatoxins were found in the mixed culture than in the monoculture. At the end of the incubation period aflatoxin production was significantly inhibited by more than 50% (p$lt;0.05). These results indicate that B. subtilis mainly inhibites the growth and aflatoxin production of toxigenic Aspergillus in Meju, soy sauce and soy paste. Although its effect on aflatoxin production was less pronounced, we . could expect more inhibition by another bacteria related with fermentation in Meju.