소나무 풍매차대의 유시와 성숙기 이후의 생장 패턴을 비교하고, 유전인자와 환경인자간의 상호작용을 평가하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 종자는 1978년에 강원도, 경기도, 충청북도에서 선발된 수형목으로부터 채취되었다. 차대검정림은 1981년에 강원 춘천, 충남 공주, 전남 나주 등 3 지역에 조성되었으며, 총 30가계를 식재하였다. 식재 후 일정 시기별로 수고와 흉고직경을 측정하였으며, 이로부터 재적지수를 산출하였다. 수고,흉고직경 및 재
We conducted this study to compare the growth pattern of the early stage with that of the mature stage in open-pollinated progenies of P. densiflora, and to estimate genotype x environment interactions. In 1978, the seeds were collected from the plus trees which were selected from Kangwon (KW), Gyeonggi (GG) and Chungbuk (CB) provinces, then the seedlings were planted in three sites such as Chuncheon (CC), Gongju (GJ) and Naju (NJ) in 1981. A total of 30 families were planted at each site. The height (H) and DBH (D) were measured in 2006, and the volume index was calculated. Family heritabilities for height, DBH, and volume index were determined from the analysis of variance. Simple age-age correlation analysis of volume index was conducted to compared among ages. Six families were selected based on the volume index, then the relative volume 'index increment rates (RVIR) for each family were compared. The families of KW11, KW2 and CB2 showed better performances in height growth; the families of KW2, CB2 and CB3 in DBH growth; and the families of KW2, CB2 and KWll in the volume index. No significant differences were found in familyxsite interactions for height, DBH and volume index but highly significant differences were detected among sites. The heritability for height growth showed a tendency of decrease during the early-stage and it was likely to become stable after the age of ten. There were highly positive correlations between age eight and over age eight. The RVIRs were increased until age eight and decreased after that. According to age-age correlation and RVIR, the optimum selection age was estimated to be eight-years old.