"보석"은 국립식량과학원 벼맥류부에서 2008년도에 육성한 조생 고품질 내냉성 품종으로 주요특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 보통기 보비재배에서 평균 출수기가 7월 29일, 남부중산간지에서는 7월 26일로 오대벼보다 3일정도 빠른 조생종이다. 2. 오대벼에 해 주당수수와 수당립수는 많고, 등숙비율은 다소 높으나 현미천립중은 오대벼보다 가벼운 편이다. 3. 위조현상은 없고 성숙기 하엽노화가 늦고 수발아는 오대벼 보다 잘되는 편이다. 유묘기 내냉
"Boseog" is a new japonica rice cultivar developed from the three way cross of Kinuhikari//HR19621AC6/Sobibyeo and registered by the rice breeding team of Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2008. This cultivar has about 110 days of growth duration from transplanting to harvesting in northern plain, northern and southern mid-mountainous area of Korea. This cultivar is about 72 cm in culm length and tolerant to lodging. In the reaction to biotic and abiotic stresses, it shows resistance to leaf blast, but susceptibility to bacterial blight, virus diseases and insect pests. The milled rice of "Boseog" exhibits translucent, relatively clear non-glutinous endosperm and midium short grain. It has similar amylose content(18.0%), lower protein content(6.3%), and similar palatability of cooked rice compared to Odaebyeo. The milled rice yield of this variety is about 5.03 MT/ha in local adaptability test. "Boseog" would be adaptable for ordinary transplanting in northern plain, mid-mountainous and southern mountainous area of Korea.