국립식량과학원에서 조사료용 조숙호밀을 개발하고자 1995년에 "조춘호밀" 등 10개 품종을 방임수분으로 혼합교배하여 그중에서 형질이 우수한 계통(SR95POP-S1-1072-1-2-4)을 선발하여 생산력을 검정한 결과 그 특성이 우수하여 호밀38호로 계통명을 부여하고 4개 지역에서 3개년간 지역적응성을 검정하여 조숙이면서 조사료 수량이 많을 뿐만 아니라 지역간, 연차간 재배안정성이 높은 것으로 나타나 2008년 직무육 성신품종 선정위원회에서 "올그린"으
"Olgreen" (Scale cereal L.), a new rye variety was developed by National Institute of Crop Science(NICS), RDA. It was released in 2008 because of its high biomass yield potential and early maturity. It was developed from an open pollination within 10 rye varieties or lines including "Chochun" in 1995. The line 'SR95POP-S1-1072-1-2-4' was selected for its early maturity and excellent agronomic appearance, and placed in yield trials for two years from 2004 to 2005. It was designated "Homil 38" and placed in regional yield trials at the four locations around Korea from 2006 to 2008, from which the name "Olgreen" was given. Over three years, "Olgreen" averaged 8.88 ton ha-1 of forage yield (based on dry matter) harvested at late April and superior to other varieties with an increase of 10% more than the check variety "Olhomil", and 9% more than the introduced rye "Koolgrazer". Heading date of "Olgreen" was April 20 which was 3 days earlier than that of "Olhomil". It would be recommended as an early rye variety for forage or green manure in South Korea.