High membrane costs hinders large scale application of microporous ceramic membranes. Preparation on elements of large specific membrane area are a prospective strategy to overcome this problem. NF membranes with a cut-off of 450 Da were produced for first time in a 163-channel tube geometry of 1.25 m². The membranes were successful tested in drink water production and in treatment of produced water from oil production. Zeolite-NaA-membranes were prepared for the first time inside of 1.2 m long tubes in four channel geometry of 0.9 m². Natural gas is dried by stripping with triethylene glycol (TEG). TEG will be regenerated by distillation at 190°C to 205°C. A pilot plant for TEG drying with Zeolite-NaAmembranes at 120°C for a capacity of 10.000 m³/h natural gas and is running since October 2016.