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QFD를 활용한 가치요소 중심의 물류서비스 개선방안 KCI 등재후보

Improvements of logistics service focusing on value factors utilizing QFD

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/345945
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

Logistics companies want to be competitive companies in fierce logistics market and are worrying about securing of differentiated competitiveness for it. The standards judging if logistics industry maintains the competitiveness are based on the satisfaction of users due to the well-established service system that can response not only economic feasibility of logistics costs such as transportation costs, storage costs, unloading charges, information costs, etc. but also diversity and upgradability of logistics needs. Therefore, this study focuses on seeking of service quality improvements with VBSD(Value Based Service Design) model focusing on customer value factors based on Kano model and QFD based service design approach from angles of customer value improvement and service costs reduction.

 1 서론
 2. 선행연구
  2.1 물류 서비스품질의 개념
  2.2 Kano모델에 대한 개념
  2.3 QFD(품질기능전개)
 3. VBSD(가치기반 서비스 설계) 모델
  3.1 고객가치지수(CVI) 산출
  3.2 제공자가치지수(PVI) 산출
 4. 사례연구
  4.1 Kano모델을 이용한 물류 서비스품질 분류와 가중치 결정
  4.2 핵심비용요소(KCF)결정과 제공자비용지수(PCI)산출
  4.3 고객가치지수(CVI)와 제공자가치지수(PVI)
  4.4 가치전략영역의 구분
 5. 결론
 6. References
  • 정용석(아디다스코리아) | Youg-Suk Jung
  • 강경식(명지대학교 산업경영공학과) | Kyung-Sik Kang Corresponding Author