조운은 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 벼 수확기의 분산 및 이른 추석에도 안정적으로 생산할 수 있는 평야지적응 조생종을 육성할 목적으로 1996년 조숙이면서 양질 내병 다수성 계통인 SR14880-173-3-3-2-2-2와 초형이 우수하며 수량성이 높은 단간 조생인 운봉20호를 교배하여 2009년 육성한 평야지적응 극조생 단간 내도열병 고품질 벼 품종으로 주요 특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 보통기 보비재배에서 출수기는 7월 23일로 오대벼보
There are the farmer’s needs to develop early-maturing cultivar adaptable to mid-northern inland plain and alpine area. Furthermore, it is required to develop a rice variety to produce new rice before concentrated marketing dates, even in the years of early Chuseok. ‘Joun’ is a new extremely early-maturing japonica rice cultivar developed in 2009 from the cross of SR14880- 173-3-3-2-2-2/Unbong20 at Cheolwon Substation, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration (RDA). The heading date of ‘Joun’ is July 23 in mid-northern alpine area, which is 7 days earlier than that of Odaebyeo. It has about 61 cm in culm length with semi-erect plant type. Panicle has a few awns and its exertion is good. The number of spikelets per panicle is smaller than that of Odaebyeo and 1,000 grain-weight of brown rice is 21.2 g which is less than 26.3 g of Odaebyeo, but the complete grain ratio is higher. Milled kernels are translucent with non-glutinous endosperm and palatability of cooked rice is good. It shows strong resistance to cold treatment, lodging, premature heading, wilting and viviparous germination during ripening stage. This cultivar shows resistance to leaf blast disease but susceptible to bacterial blight, virus disease and insect pests. The milled rice yield performance of ‘Joun’ is about 5.18 MT/ha by ordinary culture in local adaptability test for three years. This cultivar may be highly adaptable to the mid-northern inland plain and alpine area, north-eastern coastal area and middle plain area.