콩 알레르기에 민감한 사람들은 15가지가 넘는 콩 알레르기 단백질을 인지한다. 이러한 알레르기 단백질 때문에 콩의 광범위한 사용이 제한적이다. 시스테인 프로테아제에 속하는 P34 단백질은 콩의 주된 알러젠이다. 미국 국무부에서 16,226개의 유전자원에서 P34 단백질이 결핍된 PI567476 유전자원을 찾아냈다. P34 유전자 염기서열과 P34 유전자가 결실된 염기서열을 NCBI 데이터베이스에서 확인한 결과 P34 유전자가 결실된 염기서열에서 4 bp
Soybean seed possesses about 15 allergenic proteins recognized by IgEs from soy-sensitive human. The allergenic impact of soybean proteins limit its extensive usage in a broad range of processed foods. Soybean protein P34 or Gly m Bd 30k of the cysteine protease family is one of the major allergen of the soybean seed. P34-null soybean, PI567476, was identified among soybean (Glycine max & Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc) of approximately 16,226 accessions from USDA soybean germplasm screened. Also, for P34 gene (Williams 82; whole genome sequence cultivar) and P34 null gene (PI567476) comparative analysis of sequences listed in the NCBI database showed the presence of a SSLP (Simple Sequence Length Polymorphism) of 4 base pair. So, a SSLP marker was designed to reveal the polymorphism of the locus. In this study, a population of 339 F2 recombinant inbred lines generated by cross between Taekwang (Glycine max) and PI567476 was used to select F2:3 plant of a P34 null gene. The result separation rate Taekwang type, heterozygous type and PI567476 type were shown in 85: 187: 67 since single gene is concerned in as the separation rate of 1:2:1 in X2 0.05=5.99, df=2. In future, selected plant will identify protein level, whether P34 null protein is equal to P34 null gene.